Welcome to the Herbst Lab
Since 1986, the Herbst Lab has focused on investigating how problems of water supply and water quality affect the health of aquatic ecosystems. Our mission has been to provide scientific services to government agencies and conservation groups through research that guides the management of public lands and watersheds.
From the effects of water diversions and rising salinity of Great Basin terminal lakes, to the ecological integrity of Sierra Nevada headwater streams (effects of sediment, land use, invasive species, acid mine drainage, restoration practices, and climate change), our overall goal has been to inform water resource management and the protection and restoration of aquatic ecosystems. The unifying theme of our research is the conservation of aquatic biodiversity and restoration of habitats through inventory, bioassessment, and comparative and experimental studies. Our approach is to examine the responses of aquatic organisms and communities to gradients of environmental stress in field and laboratory settings to determine how disturbances alter biological integrity.
This website is dedicated to providing an outreach to the public, to other scientists, educators, and natural resource managers, and fostering an appreciation for the variety of freshwater life, including inland salt lakes.
Featured Content
Drought in the Sierra Nevada

Results to date from our Climate Change monitoring network of sentinal streams in the Sierra Nevada. Historic snowpack and drought offer unprecedented perspective.
March For Science! San Francisco, April 22

Join us in San Francisco on Earth Day, April 22 and participate in the March For Science. We will be sharing our research with the public at the end of march. If you believe in the public benefit of science, please make your voice heard.
Lakeline Magazine Articles

Check out our recently published articles in Lakeline Magazine about
Mono Lake, CA
Owens Lake, CA
Walker Lake, NV