M.F. Cosumnes River

Previous and ongoing research includes:

research topics

Cliamte Change Livestock Grazing Saline Lakes Sediments in Streams Stream Chemistry Surveys & Inventories Invasive Species

Climate Change in the Sierra Nevada

  • How will a changing climate affect Sierra Nevada stream ecosystems? [Summary]
  • Monitoring climate change - Design elements of sentinel stream network study [Summary]
  • Monitoring climate change - Results to date [Summary]
  • Monitoring climate change - Site specific hydrographs and thermographs [Summary]
  • Extreme Weather: Stream conditions before and after a winter rain on snow event
    [Published Paper]

Saline Lakes

Enallagma clausum

Walker Lake

  • Salinity limits on the aquatic invertebrate life of Walker Lake [Summary] [Published Paper]
  • History of the fishery of Walker Lake with declining lake level and rising salinity [Summary coming soon]
  • Population dynamics of benthic invertebrates at Walker Lake under changing lake levels and potential food web alteration [Summary]
  • Distribution of benthic life by substratum type and depth in Walker Lake [Summary coming soon] [Published Paper]
Walker Lake

Lakeline Magazine

Sediment in Streams

stream bottom sediment
  • Stream Sediment Deposition in Relation to Road Density and Effects on Benthic Invertebrates [Summary]

Livestock Grazing and Management

Mulkey Creek
  • Effects of livestock exclusion on in-stream habitat and benthic invertebrate assemblages in montane streams on the Kern Plato [Summary] [Published Paper]
  • Recovery of habitat quality and benthic invertebrate diversity in a re-created channel (build it and they will come!) [Published Paper]

Invasive Species

New Zealand Mudsnail

New Zealand Mudsnail

  • Boom and bust of the New Zealand Mudsnail in the upper Owens River, CA [Published Paper]
  • Dissolved minerals can limit the growth and survival of the New Zealand Mud Snail [Published Paper]
Rainbow Trout


  • Trout introductions to headwater streams of Yosemite National Park reduce diversity, alter food webs, and deplete native endemic species [Summary] [Published Paper]

Surveys and Inventories

  • Bodie Hills [Summary coming soon, see taxa list below]

Stream Chemistry

Stream pHreaks
  • Working with local students from Mammoth and Bishop High schools on seasonal stream chemistry mysteries…. [Summary]

Taxa Lists by Research Area

Research Area Map Owens Lake Mono Lake Walker Lake Death Valley Travertine spring Moapa NWR Ruby Lake NWR Death Valley Nevares spring Owens Valley springs Sheldon NWR California Coast streams Sierra Nevada streams Bodie Hills Leviathan Creek